Hear The Truth From A Defender of the U.S. Constitution!

Billy Ray Wilson is a Former Candidate for United States Senate, American Patriot, Veteran, Author, Founder of the United States Nationalist Worker’s Party, and Proud Defender of the Constitution.

Recent Blog Posts

The Majority of the Federal Elected Representatives, President, Vice President, Justices, and Political Appointees are TRAITORS!

The subject should immediately raise the hairs on the back of the neck of a true United States patriot. Unfortunately, in my opinion, most citizens …

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National News Media Denying the Exercise of Free Speech

At the outset, I submit two different definitions of Sedition should anyone other than Michael and, possibly, a representative of the DOJ reads this communication ...
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No God of Abraham

Most southeastern Kentuckians, born in the 1940s and 1950s, were subjected constantly, during non­-bedtime hours, to accept that a God of Abraham made the universe, ...
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Illegal Support of Israel and Ukraine Will Result in World War III and the Destruction of the United States

I should be thankful no one reads my biogs, as quite possible,there are those the US government, Israeli Mossad, and, of course, the so-called religious ...
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Supporters of the Alleged Gods of Abraham and their Charities are Traitors to the United States

I can’t address what citizens of the United States outside Laurel County, the Commonwealth of Kentucky were taught regarding the United States’ form of government ...
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The story of

Billy Ray Wilson

I was born in Laurel County, Kentucky, on September 21, 1943, the son of Abbie Brown and Raleigh Lee Wilson. The four ancestry trees are: Wilson – Caste lie and Brown -Chandler.

I was married twice and the father of a daughter. A second daughter and son were born from affairs while stationed in Thailand and Laos. I didn’t learn of the second daughter until February 2019; she and I learned paternity for a DNA test. Regarding my son, I obtained custody, through the Royal Laotian Court, and he and I returned to the United States. My son is married with a son and daughter.

I am a loyal citizen of the United States and a proud defender of the United State Constitution.

- Billy Ray Wilson
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