Beirut Deja Vu

Here we go again, the Hebrew culture, Judaism religion, Judaism converts, and Christian nationalist are taking the United States and the international community into World War III.

The 1983 Beirut deja vu reveals once again the control of the United States government by the followers of the Gods of Abraham to dispatch US Forces to defend the illegal Jewish Nation State of Israel’s pursuit to control all the lands of Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon.

The Hebrews, Jews, and Israeli’s, through their bribery of politicians in the United States beginning in 1898, the Founding of Zionism, and the TREASONOUS ACTS, in 1948/1949, by former President Harry S. Truman, to establish a sovereign Nation State of Israel.

Truman’s TREASONOUS ACTS were not only against the people of the United States but the large number of Arab tribesmen whose homeland was the lands of ancient Palestine’ Canaan to Hebrews. According to United Nations Resolutions, a State of Palestine, for all the other Arab tribes, was to be established alongside the Hebrew State of Israel.

Excuse for the pause in the writing. I am a honorable citizen of the United States. She is my country of birth and homeland. Her form government is a “Presidential Constitutional Republic” and “Liberal Democracy.” However, there are millions of under educated voting residence that support the Jewish Nation State of Israel due to their childhood indoctrination from Hebrew Writings such as the Bible, Torah, and Koran. Science and true history, without question, confirm the teachings of a non-human entity (alleged Hebrew God) made Adam and Eve in the fictional Garden of Eden. From this fictional God of Abraham, the Hebrew spread their untruths beginning in ancient Mesopotamia. The Hebrews are responsible for the invention of the Gods of Abraham. Of course, after the Crusades, the international leadership of the Gods of Abraham modified their teachings to assure the Hebrews a land for Hebrews and their established Jews, the Catholic
Empire their prosperity and power over the under-educated, and of course the Red State Christians that seek a socialist government to assure their continued abuse of the United
States’ taxpayers. Islam has never been anything but a fraud as they are divided as Sunni and Shiites. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD THERE ARE NO GODS OF ABRAHAM AND THE UNITED STATES WILL NOT SURVIVE AS A SOCIALIST COUNTRY.

Lastly, I have quoted the text of multiple acclaimed education publications that have written lengthy documents on the subject” “Semites or Semitic People” that explains their quest for a secure homeland for Hebrew Prior to Novembers election for the President of the United States, if you a loyal citizen of the United States, please learn the truth about the Gods of Abraham. Yes, as a US
Citizen you are guaranteed the right to worship. However, the right to worship does not include supporting an entity whose published goal is world domination.

Thank you,

Billy Ray Wilson
Defender of the US Constitution

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