Blog Post

National News Media Denying the Exercise of Free Speech

At the outset, I submit two different definitions of Sedition should anyone other than Michael and, possibly, a representative of the DOJ reads this communication and the second subject definition of a Christian Company that owes multiple newspapers throughout the Red States in our country: SEDITION: “Sedition is the crime of revolting or inciting revolt […]

National News Media Denying the Exercise of Free Speech Read More »

No God of Abraham

Most southeastern Kentuckians, born in the 1940s and 1950s, were subjected constantly, during non­-bedtime hours, to accept that a God of Abraham made the universe, all life forms on Earth, and controlled daily events on Earth plus, of course, Hebrews were Gods Chosen People and there had to be a country of Israel established for

No God of Abraham Read More »

Illegal Support of Israel and Ukraine Will Result in World War III and the Destruction of the United States

I should be thankful no one reads my biogs, as quite possible,there are those the US government, Israeli Mossad, and, of course, the so-called religious community in the United States would terminate me for telling the truth however, I love the United States and I know what we have in our great nation therefore a

Illegal Support of Israel and Ukraine Will Result in World War III and the Destruction of the United States Read More »

Supporters of the Alleged Gods of Abraham and their Charities are Traitors to the United States

I can’t address what citizens of the United States outside Laurel County, the Commonwealth of Kentucky were taught regarding the United States’ form of government therefore I will state, for the record, our country is a Federal Presidential Constitutional Republic and Liberal Democracy, not a Theocracy. I was born on September 21, 1943, in East

Supporters of the Alleged Gods of Abraham and their Charities are Traitors to the United States Read More »

United States Republican Party is the Same as the National Socialist German Workers’ Party of 1933 -1945

As a disabled United States Air Force Military Veteran, a defender of the United States Constitution, and a native born citizen of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, I am tired of politicians of both parties accepting bribes whether monetary or promised voting blocs for the purchase of their votes in the three branches of the federal

United States Republican Party is the Same as the National Socialist German Workers’ Party of 1933 -1945 Read More »

Unethical & Authoritarian Years In International And United States History (In My Opinion Based Upon Researched Facts)

In the 1600s, North America had an influx of Europeans to its shores of which were so-called Christians under the guise they had to flee Europe or other inhabited regions because of religious persecution when in truth there was no religious persecution but demands of the so-called Christians for the Church of England, France, etc.

Unethical & Authoritarian Years In International And United States History (In My Opinion Based Upon Researched Facts) Read More »

No Gods Of Abraham, No Chosen People, No Heaven, No Hell Only Unethical Individual’s Pursuit Of Power And Wealth

In previous blogs and papers I quoted the World Book Encyclopedia’s definition of Semite and the 1880 German formed word of anti-Semite identified as “Hatred of Jews.” The definition of Semite brought to our attention the Hebrew Arab tribesmen, which were but one of the many Arab ethnic tribes, that resided in the lands today

No Gods Of Abraham, No Chosen People, No Heaven, No Hell Only Unethical Individual’s Pursuit Of Power And Wealth Read More »

Dedicated Hebrews Aka Jews Aka Israelis Are Either Uninformed Or Traitors To The United States

On November 6, 2023, I wrote a letter to the editor, Sentinel-Echo, London, KY, Subject: “Laurel County is in the United States, not Israel” and spoke with the editor to confirm if she had received the e-mailed letter which she said she had however the server immediately deleted the Letter to the Editor from my

Dedicated Hebrews Aka Jews Aka Israelis Are Either Uninformed Or Traitors To The United States Read More »

Majority in the U.S. Government Attempting to Replace Our Constitutional Republic with a Theocracy

The United States’ Form of Government is a “FEDERAL PRESIDENTIAL CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC and LIBERAL DEMOCRACY.” But, sadly, the majority in the U.S. Government is attempting to replace our Constitutional Republic with a Theocracy (the New Zions). Prior to and after the United States became a sovereign nation, in the international community, alleged citizens of our

Majority in the U.S. Government Attempting to Replace Our Constitutional Republic with a Theocracy Read More »

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