Donald J. Trump, In My Opinion, Is A Traitor!

“John Brown and 18 followers captured a United States Arsenal, at Harper’s Ferry, VA on October 16, 1859. Local militia denied escape for Brown his remaining followers. Colonel Robert E. Lee and 100 Marines arrested the traitors and delivered Brown to the state for trial. Brown was convicted on charges of treason and hanged on December 2nd.”

After the 2020 National Presidential Election, Donald J. Trump and his Republican followers attempted to deny the transfer of presidential administration from the former Republican Party President Donald J. Trump to the newly elected Democrat candidate for President Joseph R. Biden. Vice President Mike Pence in his position of Senate President certified the previous national voting certification by the State’s Governors forwarded to Congress for Federal Certification of the Elector College Results. Said certification should have been sufficient for honest, loyal United States citizens however from said actions, in my opinion, we learned Donald J. Trump and his Republican Party are and were TRAITORS TO THE UNITED STATES.

Currently, the convicted felon, Donald J. Trump, continues to disrupt our country’s peaceful coexistence and attempts to destroy our Federal Presidential Constitutional Republic and Liberal Democracy whereas Donald J. Trump, in my opinion, is a TRAITOR & WARD of the under-educated and/or Zionist in the United States.

THERE ARE NO GODS OF ABRAHAM – WE’VE BEEN SCAMMED FOR ALMOST SIX THOUSAND YEARS. Internet summary of the Old Testament, New Testament, and the 1976 print of the World Book Encyclopedia SUBJECT.  “SEMITE” will confirm all Presidential Administration and Congressional Session since the TRAITOR former President Harry S. Truman forced the United Nations to award international statehood to the terrorist, Hebrews/Jews occupation of Palestine. And, for the record, there was never in true international history a recognized sovereign state of Israel until 1949. Naturally, Trump is using his illegal actions, while in the presidency, to demand votes from those whose religion is Judaism, even if there are NO GODS OF ABRAHAM, and Christian nationalist that were raised on the lies of the Old Testament that built a home for the Hebrews.

Please research the truth before you vote on November 5, 2024.

Billy Ray Wilson
Master Sergeant, USAF
Defender of the US Constitution

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