Letter to the Editor of The Sentinel Echo – Reader Responds to Muslim Group Leader’s Death

October 27, 2019, the Elec­toral College elected Presi­dent of the United States announced murder of the co-founder of a Muslim group dedicated to estab­lish a Muslim homeland in Iraq and Syria in response to the US sponsored Jew­ish Nation-State in Palestine confirming centuries old acts of murder and aggres­sion in the name of a non-­existing God. (The greatest international scam initiated by Hebrew aka Jews in world history.)

And, President Trump is going to increase the num­ber of in the Syrian oil fields to assure Syria doesn\’t re­cover its own oil. Moreover, the forces will be guarding Israel\’s occupation of Syria Golan Heights where ex­tremely large reservoirs of oil have been discovered and the Israeli government is engaged in recovering the oil.

Note: Israel\’s occupation of the Golan Heights is a vio­lation of United Nations Res­olution 242 from 1967 which is the same year, the Israeli Defense Forces attacked the USS Liberty on station in in­ternational waters resulting in the murder and wounding of U.S. military and civilians and the salvage of the Lib­erty. Every year, Kentucky newspapers, especially the Sentinel-Echo, honor those that serve in the military but one can be assured this Letter to the Editor will not be published.

Our country is the United States, not Israel, and, more important, NO GODS OF ABRAHAM.

Billy Ray Wilson, Master Sergeant



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