Wednesday, November 20, 2019, Sentinel-Echo Forum Section’s Guest Column “In God We Trust,” a display of hope and faith, written by KY State Senator Albert Robinson, was in my opinion, another effort to implement a theocracy government in the United States.
On November 15, 2019, Sentinel-Echo Staff Writer, Ms. Nita Johnson wrote an article subject: “In God We Trust” and earlier in the year, the State of Ohio’s government introduced legislation that obligated teachers to honor the falsehood that there was a Noah’s Ark and other religious untruths and, of course, Senator Robinson wrote multiple other states are likewise introducing legislation to impose religious untruths on the population.
Since 1948, succeeding presidential administrational and congressional sessions\’ legislative actions were in fact guised Religious Crusades to establish a Jewish Nation-State in occupied Palestine.
Senator Robinson is supposed to be a representative of the people of Kentucky and, equally important, a defender of the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic; however, his constant legislation to impose “In God We Trust” is not in accordance with the U.S. Constitution. I would like for Senator Robinson to take the time and effort to learn NO GODS exist.
Billy Ray Wilson
209 Autumn Drive
London, KY 40744-7071
(606) 770-5080